After yesterday's post on Halloween, I have to follow it up with the drama that went along with it. Having a blended family has its own set of challenges. One of them is that there is a child that is being shared among two households... that's two different set of rules, two different set of beliefs, two different set of everything! One thing we focus on in our house is that what Caleb does with his biological father is between Caleb and Brandon and God. I am thankful that Caleb is older now and at an age where he knows right from wrong on most issues. And those that he doesn't, I pray hard and trust the Holy Spirit to convict when necessary. I have learned that I cannot control the other household, but I can trust God.
When we decided to change the way we did Halloween this year, we shared it with Caleb. We gave him the option to stick with what the Rainwater Family does or he could go with Brandon and get a costume and go trick-or-treating and such. My personal belief is that the grass is always greener on the other side. If I would have forced him to stay with us, he would have wanted to go "celebrate Halloween" that much more. He originally chose to stay home with us. I was so proud... and pride cometh before the fall (Proverbs 16:18).
When Halloween actually came, Caleb was suddenly changing his mind. He started begging for a costume and wanted to go trick-or-treating. I don't blame the kid. Halloween sounds like a blast - costumes, candy, friends, fun! 2 Corinthians 11:14 He doesn't quite get the evil side. 1 Peter 5: 8-9,
Ephesians 6:12 So, I kept my word. I told him that he could not whine or beg. His options were to stay home with us and shine our light or call his biological father and see what he says. Next thing I know, Caleb was walking out my door, dressed as a Ninja, next to my ex-husband.
As mentioned, the challenges of a blended family are great, but I serve an even greater God! Great is His faithfulness!